Education & Learning Quotes “The educated do not share a common body of information, but a common state of mind.” Mason Cooley “The educated do not share a common body of information, but a common state of mind.” Mason Cooley
Education & Learning Quotes, Wisdom Quotes “The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.” Khalil Gibran “The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to […]
Education & Learning Quotes, Think Different Quotes “To learn something new, take the path that you took yesterday.” John Burroughs “To learn something new, take the path that you took yesterday.” John Burroughs
Education & Learning Quotes, Think Different Quotes “We don’t stop going to school when we graduate.” Carol Burnett “We don’t stop going to school when we graduate.” Carol Burnett
Determination Quotes, Education & Learning Quotes, Self-Help Quotes, Trying Quotes “You have to go through the falling down in order to learn to walk. It helps to know that you can survive it. That’s an education in itself.” Carol Burnett “You have to go through the falling down in order to learn to walk. It helps to know that you can survive […]
Determination Quotes, Education & Learning Quotes, Self-Help Quotes “You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.” Conrad Hall “You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.” Conrad Hall