Rebirth of Eagle
This is a story of the Eagle’s life. Eagle has long life up to 70 years. It has the patience to survive.
To live till 70 years, he has to pass through a hard decision. Its talons works properly for 40 years. After 40 years, its talons become weak and can’t grab prey. Its long and sharp beak also becomes bent. Its thick feathers become stuck to its chest due to its heavy wings and can’t fly freely. Then Eagle has left only two options: either die or pass through a painful process of changes, which lasts 5 months.
When Eagle reached nearly 40, its beak, talon, and feathers become weak. For new life, agle makes one hard decision. Eagle flies on top of a mountain and sits in a nest. Then Eagle strikes its beak against a rock and pulls it out. After that, it waits for a new beak to grow. Then it starts plucking out its talons. New talons grow back. Then it plucks its old and thick feathers.
Now the painful process is completed and it has to wait for 5 months to recover. After that, it can make its fly to the sky and can enjoy new birth. Now it can live 30 years more.
Some change needs to survive in difficulty. In miserable conditions, we have to change lifestyle. That process may be very painful. Sometimes we have to throw our old habits, memories, and our daily routines. We can’t go ahead with all our past burdens. Then we have to free our burdens and sorrows.