Ways to Keep the Immune System Strong

It is very important for human health to have a strong immune system. This is important not only for the Corona virus, which is one of today’s current problems, but also for preventing many other deadly diseases. Things to do to strengthen the immune system consist of a combination of many factors. We have compiled for you the steps that need to be taken care of and implemented both for a quality life and to be protected from diseases.

Take Care of Your Sleep: Regular and quality sleep is the most important building block of not only your daily life but also your immune system. It is known that the hormone melatonin, which is secreted at night while sleeping in the dark, delays aging and prevents cancer because it provides cellular regeneration. However, this hormone is secreted only between 23.00 and 05.00 at night (02.00-04.00 at the peak). Since melatonin is sensitive to light, it is secreted more intensely in the dark; Therefore, it is necessary to sleep in a particularly dark environment. Prolongation of the luminous period or sudden exposure to the light stops the production of melatonin. Sleeping in front of the TV, with a night light or with dim light negatively affects the release of this hormone. It is stated that this hormone has an important place especially in terms of the healthy development of children. The reason why the risk of developing cancer in visually impaired people is almost zero compared to other people is shown as the excessive secretion of melatonin hormone in these people.

“Some want to be sick, some want to find healing. They know how to give to those who know how to ask.” Yunus Emre

In addition, certain activities done before sleep also affect the quality of sleep and may cause you to wake up more tired in the morning. In this sense, it is necessary to stay away from following the news and movies that cause stress, sadness and anger. Before sleeping, excessive alcohol, cigarettes, coffee or tea should not be consumed and heavy exercises should not be done. Small snacks such as bananas or almonds relax your muscles, while drinking chamomile tea or warm milk helps you to have a comfortable sleep by relaxing the body, rather than eating foods that will tire the stomach just before sleep.

Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet: Adequate fluid consumption is especially important for our brain health. At least 2 liters of water should be consumed per day. However, acidic beverages and tea consumption do not replace your water needs. While brain functions slow down in people who do not drink enough fluids daily, the decision-making mechanism weakens. When this situation spreads for a long time, organ failures occur due to lack of fluid in the body.

“Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” Hippocrates

In addition to consuming food in season, it is necessary to stay away from additives, processed foods and acidic beverages. Foods such as salami, sausages, sausage, bacon, frozen foods, white bread, candy, sweets, chocolate, in the long term, if not in the short term, damage the cells and invite deadly diseases such as cancer. As aging accelerates, the regeneration of cells slows down, so the immune system weakens. For example, we can think of this situation as garbage thrown into the sea. The sea can clean a certain amount of garbage on its own. However, when this pollution reaches a constant and high amount, the sea cannot clean itself and living organisms die due to pollution.

Take Care of Your Mental Health: It is very important to be in a positive mood for a strong immune system. For this, while it is necessary to experience more positive emotions in daily life, it is necessary to experience negative emotions less or find ways to cope with these emotions. In addition, getting training that will help you keep yourself positive and cope with stress, reading books, participating in various educational and entertaining activities will make it easier to keep your immune system strong in the long run.

When you feel good, your body releases happiness hormones. When you’re in a bad mood, your body is deficient in dopamine. Dopamine motivates us to do something. In order to keep the dopamine hormone at a normal level, we should act and consume seafood, hazelnuts and peanuts. In the absence of serotonin, which is the essence of the happiness hormone, we get into a depressed, restless and irritable mood. Endorphin is the most powerful drug produced by the body. Also referred to as natural opium (morphine). The endorphins released when you receive happy news are related to positive emotions such as comfort and pleasure. The most effective method to increase the secretion of endorphins is to do sports and exercise.

Think Positive and Optimistic: Dr. Masaru Emoto has found through his research, while negative thoughts cause negative effects on our body, which is 70% water, positive thoughts contribute to our being stronger and healthier. Water, which is one of the most conductive materials, is very easy to transfer energy. Negative energy feeds on negative thoughts and emotions. Persistent negative and pessimistic thinking structure weakens our immune system in the long run and increases our risk of catching diseases.

Avoid Sadness and Chronic Stress: Studies show that people who are exposed to chronic stress for 2-3 years experience significant decreases in their IQ levels. chronic stress; In addition to damaging brain functions, it also creates a suitable environment for the formation of cardiovascular diseases and tumors in our body. In order to cope with stress, we recommend that you take a look at the content in our Stress Management section.

Do Regular Exercise and Sports: Mental and physical health are not areas that are separated from each other with clear boundaries. A health problem experienced in one of the two will soon show itself in the other. Therefore, we need to be in a balanced development in each of the mentioned issues.

Although modern life forces us to live a sedentary and sedentary life, we can manage to stay healthy through daily exercises. Although swimming, cycling and running are not always possible, we can spend a more active life by taking a brisk walk. Like working iron shines, when we exercise, we use our muscles to keep them strong. Thus, we actively balance our creative energy. In addition, being in contact with water, soil or plants at this time will also be beneficial in discharging the negative energy on us. In addition, coping with the stress of modern life and doing activities such as yoga and meditation regularly will also provide great benefits in terms of staying healthy.